The 2026 Kings are just about Ready to go as they held their first official practice on Tuesday at belle haven elementary.. The Kings Look to be the Leaders Of Aau Basketball in DAYTON Ohio but they have their sights on much bigger territory.
Coach Tre Jones said he feels like he has the best talent and size in the state.. With dedication, parent participation and his kings playing with heart and relentless defensive pressure.. they can win nationals.
The 2026 Ohio Kings Aau schedule is a monster where they will definitely be tested by the best teams allover the country, but coach jones says that’s the only way players will get better.
Last Year Jecarious Reaves led the Kings in scoring and Coach Jones feels “KingCari” will be even more of a threat this year because he’s been shooting 3s all summer. Caron Foster Jr and TMike Jamerson are both projected to weapons who can break down Any Defense with outstanding ball handling.
For more information on the kings